
Tanel’s fresh exhibition “Luul”

Tanel opens up about the story behind the “Luul” exhibition: “On January 1st, of last year, my teacher Kadri Mälk passed away. Giving the organ a new life – culminating in exhibitions at the A-gallery and the Draakoni and Ornamentum (New York) galleries – was part of this reflection. We shared a passion with Kadri, we recognized each other in the unbroken fever of creation. Kadri planned to open an exhibition in the Truus gallery on her birthday, January 27, 2023. However, mortality intervened. But as a creative interaction, it allowed me to land in the same Truus space with my creations. May the strands of mortality land in the joy of life.”

Tanel Veenre Ebony necklace with coral and smoky quartz

The central image of the exhibition is the lips, which Tanel reached thanks to his previous series of organ whistles. “I saw in my mind’s eye the sensitive and erotic contact of the human body and the mouthpiece of the whistle, the 37-degree breath moving from the body to the culture. But, steeped in social media, I can’t ignore the contemporary meaning field of lush lips, the phenomenon of pouty lips, so to speak. Take this as a satire towards stereotyped sexuality: pouty lips as narcissism irony.”, the artist described the theme of the exhibition.

These luscious lips were engraved by Tanel from reconstructed stone

How did the exhibition get its name?
“When I clicked on the title of the exhibition, I only saw lips. But the moment seemed too diffuse, too flickering to seal with lips. Rather, luul.”

Sometimes worlds of their own open up on the back of jewellery...

In an interview with newspaper “Postimees”, Tanel describes his exhibition as follows:
“I believe in spirituality in general. By covering the walls of the Truus gallery with a flowing fabric, I made the sound of the room velvety and gave the exhibition a muted undertone, thus influencing the viewer’s experience. There is something very intrinsic to being human in being emotional.”

You can read the article (in Estonian) in “Postimees” HERE. 

Tanel's necklaces and gallerist Kaisa

The exhibition is open on 16.02  from 14 to 18 and 17.02 from 12 to 16.
Galerii Truus, Short Leg 5.

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