
Our Muse – Electrical Ksenia

When winter turns dark and grey, Ksenia is an essential explosion of colour in the arctic night. There is no other like her – the contrasts sparkle, the vitamins roar. Pure electricity and 80s disco!

Ksenia, you are connected to colors on a daily basis - you work with them as an artist and stylize in your clothes. What do colors mean to you? Where do you find inspiration?

Colour is my primary source of inspiration. I craft vibrant artworks, drawing my muse from the hues of the world around me. The paints I use, the vivid touches in my art studio’s design, my wardrobe, and of course, my jewellery, all inspire me. Beyond the tangible, I’m also inspired by others who, like me, are passionate about bright colours – be they designers, artists, or fashion enthusiasts.

Seeing something particularly colourful instantly lifts my spirit. I love every shade of the rainbow, but “shocking pink,” as famous designer Elsa Schiaparelli labelled it, holds a special place in my heart. As a child, I was inspired by the dresses of my Barbie dolls. As a 10-year-old, I only wore pink, dreaming of one day painting the walls of my future home in that shade. But my true love for colours started after I moved to Estonia four years ago.

I developed a bright, uplifting style for my paintings, after which colours slowly and organically began to dominate my wardrobe. I realized that I want to be an extension of what I create on the canvas, to become a continuation of my paintings. Right now, I focus on clean and bright colours, but along with the development of my art, my perceptions and colour preferences also change.

What is your relationship with jewellery? Does your jewellery have a story to tell?

Jewellery in my ensembles acts as a connecting element, an essential piece of the bigger picture. Without it, the concept and integrity of the look would be lost. I love to experiment with jewellery, varying styles and quantities. Over time, I’ve favoured rings, earrings, or bracelets, but now, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of having it all combined.

What are some of your biggest dreams yet to be fulfilled?

In the near future, I would like to host my first solo exhibition in Spain, as this country has been a source of inspiration for many of my paintings. I wish to share my art beyond Estonia. Although I’ll continue to create here with pleasure, I consider Estonia my home. It’s here, more than anywhere else, that striking contrasts in human characters, the environment, and of course, colours, naturally unveil themselves.

You can find Ksenia’s favourite products here:

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