Our Muse – Queenly Beautiful Anniky

Annikky Lamp is a clerk, writer, and fashion collector. Tanel does usually not create jewels by order but he did make one exception: tiaras for Annikky and her daughter.

Anniky wearing Tanel Veenre EARBERRIES and VENUS scarf. The sunny dress is by Aldo Järvsoo

Annikky, who is today's aristocracy?

The word “aristocrat” causes me more and more discomfort because it suggests some kind of selection, privilege, or being better than others. In the old days, I might have said that an aristocrat is a person who wants and is able to educate his/her spirit and look for beauty. But not everyone can devote themselves to thinking or aesthetics. So perhaps an aristocrat is simply someone who is generous in adversity, brave in fear, and always on the side of love.

The tiara is perhaps the most loaded type of jewellery, wearing it requires a strong spine. Where do you get your courage?

Self-confidence and inner conviction have come with years and maturation. On the one hand, an unshakable understanding that all people are fundamentally valuable, myself among them. On the other hand, faith in one’s abilities, knowledge and experience. But I’ve always dared to dress up, I don’t know where it comes from. Once I recognize my thing, I’m never afraid to wear it.

Anniky with a tiara created by Tanel Veenre

Your wardrobe and jewellery box are like a fashion museum section of Estonian design. Tell me, how do you even store your things? And how do you choose to wear?

I take care of them bad, I have to admit: I’m generally careless with things. I’m not interested in things in themselves, I’m interested in the emotion they create: I give away clothes, make them dirty, wear them in inappropriate situations. My dresses are scattered between the two countries, but in Brussels they are on display in the library room, because beauty must be seen. One of my favorites, a scarlet prom dress by Ketlin Bachmann, takes pride of place on a mannequin. That way I don’t forget what I have. I choose things to wear based on where I’m going and who I want to be. I have a selection of midi dresses and pencil skirts from Estonian designers for work, and a lot of evening dresses for more festive events. For several years now, I’ve been wearing at least two dresses to every party I’ve organized so that they all still get attention. And I like to see things out of their usual context: a tiara in a nightclub, a maxi dress at the breakfast table, red velvet in the hot July sun.

What meaning does jewellrey have for you?

I’m not really a big jewellery wearer, every day I only wear my very modest engagement ring designed by Katrin Sipelgas: soon for twenty years. Jewellery is a distilled idea, and it has to be an idea that works for me. I’m generally drawn to jewellery that is somehow symbolic, powerful, as you said – ‘charged’. This usually also means visual forcefulness: if already, then already.
Enchanting Annyki wearing Tanel Veenre jewelry

What are you dreaming about now?

About writing alone by the sea. About traveling from Vienna to Isfahan by train. Eating blackberries. Living in a better world.
Discover Anniky’s thoughts and doings in her inspirational blog- Life In a Cold Climate. 🙂
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