Our muse – Naturally Self-confident Kristina

The idea of ​​asking Kristina Suuroja-Pärtelpoeg to model our fashion show came from Aldo. And Aldo was very happy when Kristina immediately agreed. We met for the first time at the dress rehearsal of the show and it was immediately clear how easy it is with Kristina – she is open, sincere, and positive. Ready to play along.

Kristina does not seem like a shy person, but rather a person who has hardened in life and found herself. When she comes into the room, she will definitely not go unnoticed. She stands out, has a bold and open attitude, voluminous in every sense. Inspires and infects others with her good mood. Kristina is one of the brightest influencers on Insta and Tiktok, you can follow her here @kristinapartel. 

Kristina, tell us about finding confidence. You are an outcast in many ways, but today you are a great role model for many with your natural self-confidence and brilliance. How did your journey of becoming friends with yourself developed?

If I’m honest, that’s what makes me so confident because I’ve been different all my life and at some point I just got used to it and accepted that I’m different and that’s okay.

Describe your style. How do you find the right options for leaving home in the morning?

My style is very wall to wall. Since I work in the morning program and I wake up early, I usually wear something comfortable. In the summer, cute biker shorts and an over-sized t-shirt or a nice summer dress are my go to.

How would you describe your relationship with jewellery? Please share some stories about your favourite jewellery, if you have any...

I don’t wear jewellery every day, only when there is an event. I myself am a big fan of earrings, they have to be cool. My favourite earrings are the ones my grandparent gave me, made of gold, small ones in the shape of a clover.

How much are you willing to experiment with your look? What have been your most extreme decisions? For what are you willing to go bald, for example? 😉

I would never willingly go bald voluntarily, but when I was 14, I was a model for a hairdresser and he dyed me blonde. It was something extraordinary for me. I’m actually the kind of person who goes along with all kinds of craziness if the idea is cool (unless going to bald).
Which Tanel's mask to go on stage with? 🙂

How do you find the right clothes for you? How easy/difficult is it for a woman who is not exactly average size?

Nowadays it is easy to find clothes because there are so many e-shops where you can order, but 5-6 years ago I got 90% of my clothes from London, I went shopping in London 2-3 times a year.

You and the colors in your wardrobe - what do you love, what do you fear?

Once, most of the clothes in my closet were black, but now I still wear a lot of colors, of course there is black, but there have been a lot more colors. Green, yellow, blue and pink are my favourites at the moment.

Please tell us, what were you thinking when you walked on the stage of the Mirage fashion show? How familiar is stage nerve to you?

Walking on the Mirage stage I was still a little nervous because I’m not really a model, but rather I was excited and I really liked it. Definitely one of the coolest experiences of my life. Thanks for inviting!
Preparations for the Mirage show... models practicing their final walk
The finale of Mirage fashion show
You can also find the kaftans and jewellery worn by Kristina in our e-store. 🙂
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