As real-life magic happens, again and again, Diana also came across our path when she accepted the call of the muse. Thought-done, it turned out to be a heart-warming collaboration with a fantastic photo series.
When I heard that I had been selected for the muse competition, I immediately knew that I wanted to involve my lovely photographer friend, Jaana, in making the pictures. Jaana loves to take pictures that have a story behind them – this time we had great things that were captured in the form of a wonderful photo series. Since it was just as usual, that there is always something that comes along at just the right moment, we still had to use the evening hours to take pictures. It was as if the straw bales were left in the field for us, and this sun chose just the right place to set.
How has your style changed throughout your life? How has the path of self-discovery gone and how has it been expressed in clothes/appearance?
My style evolved with me. Confidence grew with me. As I grew older and more aware, the situation in the wardrobe also changed. There was a time when only pants were normal clothes and I loved tracksuits above all.
But today I thoroughly enjoy the possibilities and charms of recycling. Oh, how many exciting clothes you can find. Of course, we cannot fail to mention that dresses have once again found their place in my wardrobe.
Oh, how I love putting on stilettos, a floor-length dress, nose up, back straight and voila. I like to be looked at, whether it’s something I’m wearing that attracts attention, or I myself, with my pride and self-confidence.
After all, I’m a woman…

This wonderful old house caught our eye already in the spring. But, in order not to simply rally along unfamiliar fields, we also had to find the owner of the house, so that we would feel braver and no one would ambush us in the bush with a salt gun. Permission obtained, we rallied across the field to the house and wow, it was so awesome. The sheep in the distance caught our eye right away, but later the cute Å›oti mountain cattle also joined our photo session. Only closer to us with every step. (at this point I’m a little sorry that some of the dresses couldn’t be exhibited there.)Â

Of course, we can't get over your courage to be hairless yourself. How have you found your courage and self-confidence? You are definitely a great role model for many other women in this regard.
I have never thought that I should feel bad or hide the fact that this is the situation at the moment. I don’t really care what people think about me. On the contrary, people who think we shouldn’t look like this should be ashamed of themselves.
I’ve been wearing long curly hair for many years, Today I realize how little I got out of it. Just 2 months ago I was cool with a bald head, but today I already have a very short haircut. I so love what I see when I look in the mirror. I absolutely love this new Me. I get so many compliments every day, no more long hair, now it’s my time to shine.

The fog hit us completely unexpectedly when we were driving from one shooting location to another. Immediately drive to the side of the road and take pictures. The fog thickened in seconds. And when we look at the pictures now, we are even more surprised. What a luck.
Describe your relationship with accessories...
Earrings, bracelets, who could say NO to them? And of course, I love scarves, I have so many that it’s a headache to find the right one. My big weakness is also shoes and boots.
And since there is a beautiful central square in Rakvere, we also found an hour of the sunny day to take some pictures there. There met clothes from second-hand shops and Tanel Veenre’s great jewellery.
You have 5 daughters - how do you influence each other's style choices? Who is peeking into whose wardrobe?
If I think for a moment now, we have a very different sense of style. All the women in our family are big fans of recycling and it gives us a chance to play with clothes. We also change clothes within the family, from older sisters to younger ones and vice versa. Even mothers can find great finds in children’s closets.
My older daughter loves to wear whatever she finds close at the moment, while the other one enjoys clothes even more than I do. My 12-year-old twins, on the other hand, are real young people of today, the skirt and dress are out, and the jeans and leggings are the winners.
Our family’s 9-year-old, however, is a fully self-conscious dresser. She chooses all her clothes herself. She loves to shop. And knows exactly what any of us could wear. And if you’ve made the right choice, she won’t be short on compliments.

Please share one of the dreams you have...
A small house in the forest. The road leading to it is lined with lanterns with flickering candle flames. Light flickers from the window of the cottage, and a rocking chair swings on the terrace. A cup of tea is steaming on the table next to the chair and a little rain is pattering on the roof. If not that, what else would be the best to read the long-awaited books?
Dreams have a habit of coming true. Will it happen today or years from now…