Caps Haute Couture

The inspiration and story of the Caps

Last fall, the spectacular 10th-anniversary fashion show Mineralia of the Tanel Veenre brand unfolded in the mighty abandoned space of Noblessner’s factory. The theme was precious stones – both as a central symbol and as a real material, which allowed Tanel to combine two passions, which are fashion and jewellery.

When creating the Mineralia collection, Tanel also used his experience as a photographer, photographing the patterns and structures of minerals to mix them into unique fabric patterns and cast them into new flying silk robes.

But how were these caps born?
“After the show, I had some good pieces of good, strong fabric in my hands, and a cap seemed like the best solution for upcycling it. I did the last photo shoot with these powerful pieces in the abandoned factory building of Noblessner, and after that, I took them to the great Estonian company Velmard, which makes all kinds of headwear. Thus, a natural tour of my own creations arose.” 🙂 – Tanel.
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