2022 Crème De La Crème

In 2022, we hit with a good speed – creativity and adrenaline haven’t left us 😉 Looking back, it’s even scary how much we’ve accomplished. A series of cotton tracksuits, raw silk dresses and kimonos, stunning porcelain and wallpapers saw the light of day for the first time. New heartbreakers – pearl hippos, alphabet pendants, hippos with crystal tales and zodiac signs were released. And, of course, cooperation with BOLT – the first aluminium and completely sustainable jewellery series. We were amazed by the events like the spectacular fashion show Mirage at the Seaplane Harbour (with Aldo Järvsoo and Karolin Kuusiku) at the beginning of June and a fabulous salon evening at Reeda’s apartment in October.

The year 2022 will also go down in history with a sad shock in Ukraine, to which we immediately responded by bringing out our charity jewellery. We are proud of our customers, with whom we have collected and donated 35,000 euros for Ukraine.

And oh how many good people were with us on this road – a deep bow to you!

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